Beadworks out of Words

You will find here an eclectic mix of personally styled bead accessories-- everything handmade, boho-inspired and earth-charmed. Take time to browse our Beadbook, hoping you'll find something special to keep and pick for your dear ones.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Paperclip Earrings

From functional to fashionable, paperclips now transcend from being merely one of those reliable office supplies to unique fashion accessories. 

Product Code: EPC  Material: Stainless & Colored Metallic Paperclips, Different Charms  Price: Big-P100, Small-P80

For your desired items, indicate product code + your choice of charms (1 charm only as shown) + color of paperclip .
Available Charms: guitar, peace sign, bicycle, g-clef, spoon, angel, sun, feather, leaf, rose, fish, fishbone, turtle, gecko, cross, elephant, butterfly, wreath, shoes, rasta, snowflakes, starfish    
Paperclips: red, green, purple, blue, stainless


  1. these are just adorable. House of Isla blog will be celebrating its 1st year blogiversary this June and am planning on a big giveaway. If you wanna be one of the sponsors, just let me know! I love your work and the inspiration behind it!

  2. Hey thanks aiz! Yes I'm on it. Just let me know how it goes. I love the term blogiversary. :)
