Beadworks out of Words

You will find here an eclectic mix of personally styled bead accessories-- everything handmade, boho-inspired and earth-charmed. Take time to browse our Beadbook, hoping you'll find something special to keep and pick for your dear ones.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BRAIDLETS (Braided Bracelets & Anklets)

BRAIDED cords are threaded with eye-candy ringlets and semi-precious stones to come up with these fun pieces that you can wear as cool bracelets or unique anklets.

Product Code: BBA  Material: Braided Cords, Acrylic Ringlets, Semi-precious Stones  Price: P120

For your desired items, indicate product code + your choice of stones  + color of ringlet. 
Available Stones: turquoise, aquamarine, carnelian, jade, sand stones (black & brown), agate, moonstones, rose quartz, cherry quartz, red corals, white howlite, tiger's eye, amethyst, flourite
Braided Cords: dark brown, light brown, dirty white, black
Ringlets: red, pink, white, green, blue green, light blue, yellow orange, purple

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