Beadworks out of Words

You will find here an eclectic mix of personally styled bead accessories-- everything handmade, boho-inspired and earth-charmed. Take time to browse our Beadbook, hoping you'll find something special to keep and pick for your dear ones.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth-Charmed Hippie Necklaces & Bracelets

Product Name: Triple-charmed Hippie Bracelet - Material: Lightweight Chains, Flat & Wax Cords,  Semi-precious Stones, Different Charms - Product Code:  (L-R from front center) 1) BTbutterfly01; 2) BTsun01; 3) BTdolphin01; 4) BTslipper01 5) BTsnowflake01 *SOLD; 6) BTcross01; 7) BTpeace01; 8)BTnote01 *SOLD  - Price: P180
Product Name: Earth-charmed Hippie Necklace (Small)  
Material: Lightweight Chains, Flat & Wax Cords, 
Vintage Charms (L-R: peace sign, bicycle, bird on treetop ) 
Product Code:  (L-R)  1) NES-peace01; 2) NES-bike01; 3) NES-tree01 
Price: P300
Product Name: Earth-charmed Hippie Necklace with Stones (Small) 
Material: Lightweight Chains, Flat & Wax Cords,  Semi-precious Stones, 
Different Charms (L:gecko, snowflake, fish; R: sun, turtle, fishbone) 
Product Code:  (L-R) 1) NES3white01; 2) NES3brown01 
Price: P300
Product Name: Earth-charmed Hippie Necklace (Big) 
Material: Lightweight Chains, Flat & Wax Cords, Vintage Charms (leaf, peace sign)
Product Code:  (L-R) 1) NEBleaf01; 2) NEBpeace01;  3) NEBleaf02 
Price: P500

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